STAA All-American Perlman to USF

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Alex Perlman(July 18, 2011) 2011 STAA All-American Alex Perlman is taking a major step towards his ultimate goal of being the lead broadcaster at a Division I college athletic program. Perlman has been hired as play-by-play broadcaster for University of South Florida baseball and women’s basketball.

It is part of a full-time broadcasting internship that also includes hosting coach’s shows, player interview segments and special features, and doing video work for the USF athletic department web site.

“I’m looking forward to the opportunity to do a lot of things and be really versatile for them,” Perlman says. “I’m really looking forward to honing my skills and becoming a little bit more well rounded in terms of the way I’m developing as a broadcaster and being able to get experience in several different aspects of broadcasting, and expanding my horizons in several different ways at the same time.”

When USF approached STAA to help fill the position, it was agreed the position would emailed to STAA Premier clients but would not be posted publicly on the STAA forums.

“I got the email from STAA and sent in my work. That was the first time I had heard about the job. I am very, very glad that email found its way into my inbox,” Perlman grins.

Perlman, who is spending this summer as a Broadcasting and Media Relations Assistant with minor league baseball’s Charlotte Stone Crabs, begins his new job August 4th.

“The USF athletic department has grown at an exponential rate,” Perlman says. “The opportunity for growth is unbelievable.

“Choosing USF is a no-brainer. Their oldest athletics building was constructed in 2004. They have renovated everything and are doing everything to really make it a top notch program that can compete with anyone in the country.”

(Visit Alex’s STAA Talent Page).

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