Slack leaves San Francisco to launch career in Kansas

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(January 4, 2011) Many folks might balk at moving from the San Francisco Bay area to small town Kansas, but Tim Slack is embracing it. An STAA client, Slack is joining KIUL Radio in Garden City as a sports broadcaster and marketing consultant.

“Obviously its different but I’m excited,” says Slack. “One thing that is appealing about the job is the fact it’s something different that I haven’t done before. I’ve known since I graduated college last year that I was likely going to move to a town that was vastly different than anywhere I’ve lived before. Part of the excitement of the career for me is getting to see parts of the country that are different from where I grew up.”

A 2009 graduate of Biola University in La Mirada, CA, Slack has spent the past year doing high school sports play-by-play for iBN, a national Internet broadcasting company. In Garden City, Slack will be broadcasting high school football, basketball, baseball and volleyball. He will also be heavily involved in sales, something else he is embracing.

“I went to school for journalism, so all my experience is in broadcasting and my lack of sales experience has been a big thing,” says Slack. “The experience I’ll gain in this job is something I need to balance out my resume.

“To have someone like [Station Manager] Rick Everett mentor me is something that is very appealing,” Slack adds.

Slack appreciates the boost STAA has given to his career.

“I don’t think it is a coincidence that I was looking for a broadcasting gig for almost nine months without STAA, then found the full-time job I needed just two months after [STAA] re-did my resume and put up the talent page,” says Slack.

“STAA was a big help.”

(Visit Tim’s STAA Talent Page).

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