Compeau stays in Texas, moves to Lubbock as KLBK TV sports director

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Texas high school football has helped Michigan native Ryan Compeau fall in love with the Lone Star state. “You hear about how great high school football is down here, but until you witness it firsthand, it’s an experience unlike any other,” he enthuses. Compeau has spent the past three years in Texas; he’ll be staying for the foreseeable future. An STAA member, Compeau is the new sports director at KLBK TV in Lubbock.

“The high school sports scene [in Lubbock] is something I am very excited about, while also getting an opportunity to cover a Division I school (Texas Tech) along with Lubbock Christian which is Division II.”

Congratulations @Ry_Compeau on your new position at KLBK! Share on XA graduate of Central Michigan University, Compeau started his sportscasting career off-air at WOOD TV 8 in Grand Rapids, MI. Next was 15 month as a sports anchor/reporter at KBJR 6 in Duluth, MN, then the sports director position at KLST in San Angelo, TX.

Helpful referral

Compeau joined STAA last year on the recommendation of a former co-worker and fellow STAA member. “I was referred to STAA by Claudia Chakamian. Claudia and I worked together up in Duluth and have been close ever since. She told me about STAA and all the great things it provides people in sports with networking, and getting feedback, while also hearing about jobs first.

“Being a part of STAA, and being able to get a head start on seeing jobs that interest me first before others is huge, especially with how the industry is right now. Being able to reach out to Sports Directors or News Directors first since joining STAA has increased the amount of interviews I’ve got, plus being able to connect and stay in touch with even more people in the industry.”

Relationship building

Making connections was a big reason Compeau landed at KLBK. “I worked a lot with the two previous sports anchors up in Lubbock, exchanging highlights with them. It all goes back to something I was taught when I was in college. It may be a large industry, but it’s small with how many people know one another, so be good to everyone, and they will be good back to you.”

Compeau’s Fall Fridays and Saturdays in Lubbock will be packed with football; he wouldn’t want it any other way. “I am so excited for this next step in my career.”

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