Jennings to fill-in on GSU hoops

STAA client Brian Jennings will be filling-in on one, possibly two, upcoming Georgia Southern University men’s basketball radio play-by-play broadcasts. This is Brian’s first person account of how he created the opportunity for himself.

This time of the year, many play-by-play announcers have busy schedules with end-of-season football games and early season basketball games, so this is a great time to be a freelance announcer.

I went through the area colleges/universities early season hoops schedules and saw where a few were playing schools from other parts of the country. I went and looked at the out-of-towners’ schedules and saw where the schools had both football and basketball broadcast the same weekend. I contacted Chris Blair, the Director of Broadcasting at Georgia Southern, and sent the link to my STAA Talent Page, explaining my interest in filling in for him if needed. Well, low and behold he was just getting ready to contact Jon Chelesnik at STAA about helping him find someone to do the games in the Chicago area where I am from.

The timing was perfect. Counter that with the fact that I have my own equipment and it was really a simple and easy agreement to come to. I appreciate STAA for their services and consulting. This is like having an agent work for you.

(Visit Brian’s STAA Talent Page).

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