For 16 years, Nate Rohr’s career was on cruise control. The University of Nebraska grad was employed by the Husker Sports Network. His job included softball play-by-play, working on football broadcasts and hosting talk shows. Then covid hit. And layoffs. For the first time since 2004, Rohr didn’t have full-time work. Since then he’s dabbled in sales, print media and insurance. Finally, though, he is again receiving regular paychecks in broadcasting. An STAA member, Rohr is the new Sports Director and Morning Show Host on the Home of the Huskers, NewsTalk 1400 KLIN.
Husker Love
“It gives me the chance to be on the radio on a daily basis on a great morning show while also getting the chance to cover sports, especially Husker sports, on a consistent basis in a market that truly lives and dies with its teams,” Rohr enthuses.
Rohr has been covering Huskers’ athletics for most of his professional career. “I love it. While sports in general are compelling and interesting to me, the fact that I carry my entire history as a fan and alumni with me into every situation makes continuing to cover the Huskers even richer. I know the highest highs and the lowest low the Huskers have touched, and so that context informs my coverage of the teams in this athletic department.”
Overcoming frustration
It looked for a while like Rohr might not get another opportunity to cover his alma mater. “I overcame that challenge through patience and good luck, to be honest,” Rohr admits. “My friend and mentor, [Voice of the Huskers] Greg Sharpe, tipped me off that there might be an opportunity opening here at KLIN and that I should apply. I also had worked for KLIN briefly as an account executive. Though I was not successful as a salesperson, I did work hard and give the job my best, to where when this position opened four years later, they were excited to bring me on in a role that better fit my skills.”
Rohr joined STAA in 2015, before he was married and a father of three. “I’ve remained an STAA member because it remains the best way to find possible opportunities as a sportscaster in a centralized place. Additionally, it’s a great way to network and commiserate with fellow sportscasters to hone your craft and do better work.”
Now Rohr will resume applying his craft to covering Huskers’ athletics and their fervent fans.
“The fact that the Huskers are the only Division I football school in the state, and there are no major professional teams in the borders, unifies the state of Nebraska the way nothing else can.”