Geoff Conn
(949) 648-STAA
2. Basketball PBP 9:56
3. Basketball PBP 9:41
4. Sports Update 1:29
5. News Update 3:11
6. Interview 10:14
7. Interview 10:00
8. Commercial :27
9. Commercial :30
BA-Telecommunicative Arts- Iowa State University December 1993
News/Sports Director Nodaway Broadcasting Maryville, Missouri (July 2013-Present)
--Morning news/sports updates for 97-1 The Vill (KVVL) & Pickup Country KNIM
--Play by play for Maryville High School Spoofhound football & basketball
Operations/Production- KWKY Catholic Radio Des Moines, Iowa (June 2012-Dec 2012)
--Run board for morning shows
--Manage daily logs
--Produce commercials/promos
Iowa Sports Spotlight- (Oct 2001-April 2006; Sept 2009-June 2013)
--Fill in host/board operator for 2 hour daily radio show that airs on KRNT in Des Moines
--“Friday Night Live” anchor for high school football “Game of the Week”
---Co-host 30 minute pre-game show and call in reports from game site
Grand View University- Des Moines, Iowa
Play by play for football and men’s and women’s basketball (Sept 2009-May 2013)
Operations Supervisor- KGVC/KDPS Radio; Grand View University Des Moines, Iowa (May 2009- Jan 2012)
--Supervised students with evening DJ shows on KDPS
--Mentored/supervised students with sports broadcasting emphasis
Assistant Program Director- KXNO Radio Des Moines, Iowa (Jan 2001-March 2009)
--Scheduled and managed board operations
--Co-hosted and ran board for morning show
--Have an intimate knowledge of NEX GEN digital computer system.
--Co-authored station call letters
On site engineer- Iowa Barnstormers Arena Football League broadcasts
WHO Radio Des Moines, Iowa (1995, 2000-2001)
Public Address Announcer:
Iowa Cubs Baseball – AAA of Chicago Cubs (2003-2010)
Iowa Energy Basketball- NBA affiliate of Grizzlies (2007-2009)
Iowa Stars/Chops Hockey- NHL affiliate of Stars and Ducks(2006-2009)