If you are a college student graduating this spring, now is when you need to start hitting the job market. Even more important than working hard in the job market is working smart. Here are eight tips to help you do it.
1. Start looking early
The sports broadcasting job market usually takes at least three months, even for the best broadcasters. Therefore, it is smart to start looking early in your final semester of college.
2. Network
Many young people don’t want to network because the payoff is usually not immediate. Most employers, though, prefer to hire people they know or who come recommended to them. Also, folks in your network can tell you where jobs are. The sportscasting job market is more about who you know than what you know.
3. Lean on your alumni network
I am a Kansas State University Wildcat and I love helping fellow K-Staters. It makes alumni proud of their alma mater when younger alums do well, and it makes us feel good when we can help them do it.
4. Be sure your demo is well-constructed
Give employers what they need to make an accurate evaluation of your ability. If you aren’t sure what to put on your demo, ask around. Or read my previous post on choosing demo samples.
5. Be sure your resume is helping, not hurting
Keep it to one page, list your experience before your education, and include your references.
6. Write a solid cover letter
Research each employer to whom you apply, then tell them what it is about them that is attractive to you. Don’t make it obvious that they are one of 50 employers you are contacting. Next, state your relevant experience. If you are applying for a TV reporter job, no need to mention you’ve done basketball play-by-play on the radio.
7. Have a follow-up plan
Following-up just once likely won’t be enough to get you the job. Have a plan built around polite, creative persistence.
8. Don’t be lazy
This applies to everything listed above.
Congratulations on your upcoming graduation and good luck in the job market!
Photo by woodleywonderworks.
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[…] Chelesenik, J. (2014, January 22). Sportscasters Talent Agency of America. Retrieved May 3, 2014, from http://staatalent.com/2014/blog/8-tips-for-landing-your-first-sports-broadcasting-job/ […]
[…] If you are a college student graduating this spring, now is when you need to start hitting the job market. Even more important than working hard in the job market is working smart. Here are eight t… […]
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