7 habits that will advance your sports broadcasting career

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Do you bathe regularly?

Of course!

You bathe regularly because you need to.

There are several things you should also do regularly to help your sports broadcasting career.

1. Consistently review your work

You will hear things no one else does. You will be your own harshest critic. Together, those things will help you improve quickly.

2. Seek critique

Others will hear things in your work that you don’t. If you are an STAA member, take advantage of the monthly STAA Group Critiques.

3. Contact someone in your network

Our blog post a couple weeks ago focused on this. I asked, “Who are the 10 people you would contact if you lost your job today?” Dig the well before you need the water.

4. Introduce yourself

When is the last time you contacted an employer for the sake of introduction rather than applying for a job? The best time to meet people is when you don’t need something from them.

5. Study others

You can pick up things from anyone, from large markets to small. Listen to other broadcasters for ideas, words, phrases and techniques.

6. Read about industry trends

You can find news from the sportscasting industry across the Internet. For STAA members, Job Leads+ emails provide this. There are also many industry websites. Make sure you’re staying current with what’s going on.

7. Listen to industry podcasts

When is the last time you listened to a podcast about the sports broadcasting industry? Listen to the wisdom of sportscasters who have already navigated the trail you’re on. Listen to them to benefit from their wisdom and accelerate your own growth.

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